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You Can STILL See Past the Smoke!

EILEEN PIPPINS • September 17, 2020

The Vision of Your Bridge is Still Here!

Seeing past the smoke! 

Living in the Bay Area there are so many iconic images that remind me that dreams are possible…that My dreams are possible. The image that stands above them all is The Golden Gate Bridge. The vision of the bridge was regarded as impossible! Too much! Unrealistic! Fantastic! Intriguing. Controversial. Phenomenal! Ahead of its time. Its reputation is one of the most legendary worldwide. Yet, for the past 4-5 weeks, it wasn’t visible, even if you were driving on it due to heavy smoke from the devastating fires burning up and down the west coast. Yet, the bridge still exists. Still provides vital links for transportation, trade, tourism, exercise, and more. Local, county, environmental and other government agencies continue to urgently address not just the fires, but forecast how to deal with the devastating impact of the smoke. The smoke doesn’t erase the reality that the bridge is real. The smoke is an indicator that there are external forces that can disrupt the function of the bridge, but not erase it. Your business, your ministry, your relationships, your life IS the Golden Gate Bridge. And when the smoke comes, you can forget how viable, intimate, powerful, and necessary your bridges are. Don’t lose sight of the purpose of your bridges. The smoke will lift eventually. You have to be ready to continue on your bridge. 

As a Organizational Development Consultant and Facilitator, I help people navigate through the smoke. Smoke comes in different forms: difficult conversations that are needed within organizations or teams; reviewing strategic directions when the business appears to go off course; lack of consensus instead of focused conversations. I help you reflect on personal values, boundaries, collaborations and capacities to help organizations manage the impact on the people, the work, culture and systems that are the supporting beams, road and elements of the bridge. Fortify your bridge to help your bridge remain sustainable through the smoke.

By EILEEN PIPPINS August 23, 2023
Considerations for Your Mid-Year Break
By EILEEN PIPPINS February 8, 2023
We have arrived! February is the second month of the Vision Blueprint Quarter. January was about assessing your Current Reality – “A Reflection on What you learned from 2022.” And February is all about Mindset. Your mindset is all about your focus, intention and attitude . Mindset influences your behaviors and belief about even the possibility of achieving success and reaching your goals. Let’s break it down. The Focus of your mindset is centered in purpose. What is the purpose of your business? Your role in your business? Your “Why” for your relationships and even your impact. Intention is your game plan. It is focus-in-action. Intention is all about the target. Attitude is your when your behavior reflects your commitment to your intentions. Think about it. Long after you have created your focus and set your intentions it is important to have a commitment to your success even if the emotions fade from time to time. Results won’t show up overnight, but they will show up in your progress. The key is to maintain the love of your business and your work. Stay in love with your business or your role in the work that you do. Romance your business into the relationship you want to have with it. So how do you stay romance ready? Start with these questions: What do you love about your business? What does the work you do mean to you? What does your business and your work do for you? What does it do for others? What do you love about your role? What hats do you wear? Whatever the role and even if you do all the things you have to remember why you went into business in the first place. If your business was a relationship you were involved in, what is an image or phrase to describe it as a partner? What is your love language and how do you want your business to love on you? Who do you want to be in this ideal relationship with your business? Part of my vision for my international consulting has been to continue to have an impact internationally. Not only has the International Global Facilitation Academy enrolled professionals from over seven countries, but I have a vision for an in-person travel destination intensive. I’m using my recent trip to Mexico as part of my love inspiration (see photos below). I hope you find yours. To learn how I can support you in getting your business romance ready for your ideal clients, employees and stakeholders, click here to connect . To learn more about the 2023 International Global Facilitation Academy cohort click here. Keep loving the Convo!
By EILEEN PIPPINS August 18, 2020
The change in seasons is also a signal for transition. We all are beginning to settle into this long change and move into transition. The question is how do you want to Move into this space of transition?
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